The humidity levels were upto 96 per cent while the day temperatures hovered between one to three points above normal at most parts in the region, the Met office said here.
While Hisar settled at a high of 38.5 degrees Celsius, three notches above normal, the maximum at Amritsar was 36.6 degrees Celsius, three points above normal.
Among other places, Bhiwani had a high of 36 deg C followed by 35.9 each at Rohtak and Ambala, three notches above normal.
While Patiala, Ludhiana, Narnaul recorded maximum temperatures at 35.9, 35.7 and and 35.3 deg C respectively, the capital of both the states Chandigarh settled at a high of 35 deg Celsius.
The Met office has forecast thundershowers at several places in the region during the next two days.