Stage is set for the 28-day Hyderabad Monsoon Races scheduled to commence at the Malakpet Race Course from tomorrow during which Rs 11.97 crore towards stakes and professional fees will be offered.
Of the Rs 11.97 crore, Rs10 crore will be offered as stakes for the race horse owners and Rs 1.97 as professional fees for trainers and jockeys.
Besides, trophies worth Rs 30.75 crore will also be given away during the season. The stake offered during the last season was Rs 9.92 crore.
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Addressing the season-eve press conference here last night, Hyderabad race club chairman R Surrender Reddy said that during the monsoon racing season last year though the advertised stake money was Rs 9.92 crore, the total stakes and professional fees paid was Rs 11.60 crore.
He claimed that stakes-horse ratio offered at Hyderabad Race Club was the highest in the country (Rs 2.50 lakh per horse). The race horse owners were also being getting performance incentives apart from other subsidies.