The 40-year-old actress, said she does not have mental issues but has always taken on life in a positive way, reported Showbiz spy.
"Just as my CV has light and dark sides, I suppose there are two sides to my own character. I go from being hugely popular and entertaining to really not. I'm not a manic depressive, but I can really go to the dark side," she said.
Blair said she was recently offered a reality TV show and she had turned down the offer.
"You have to do it all to make a living, unless you are Cate Blanchett. You have to write five books and come out with a line of socks. I got approached to do a reality show now so long ago.
"I decided I'm too much reality for anyone. I don't have the gaggle of goofy friends, and you have to do a lot of branding. I am hopeful again. I want a good life and a great career more than I ever have. I don't know that I actually believed I deserved one until now."