The 28-year-old actress said that she went through "a manic phase" after her break-up and she turned to food to self-medicate after initially losing weight during a battle with insomnia, reported Contactmusic.
"I lost a bunch of weight and I was really never sleeping. I moved in with a girlfriend and she said, 'You don't sleep; you sleep three hours a night. Then you go through a period where you're self-medicating with something to fill a void because you have created a void by removing someone from you. There's a chunk missing and people fill it with all sorts of things," she said.
"I definitely self-medicate with food, that's my thing; I love to cook. I always convince myself, 'It's better than crack cocaine, so I guess it's OK...' Food is like a hug on the inside," she added.
Wilde said that she is glad she went through the hell of 2011, as now she feels she's a better person for all the pain.
"Learning to be by myself and be OK with it and not need the validation of another human being, that has been the biggest challenge. But I know coming out of that I'll be a better person, a better partner eventually for someone," Wilde added.
The actress is currently dating Jason Sudeikis.