Anil Sharma, best known for helming Sunny Deol-starrer "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha", is launching son Utkarsh with his next directorial venture and the filmmaker says he wrote the script keeping only him in mind.
Sharma is returning to the director's chair with "Genius", an action-romance, after a gap of three years. He last directed "Singh Sahab the Great", which had Deol in the lead role.
"I was scripting only for him. Utkarsh as a person is very sincere at everything and has a lot of potential. I thought he can deliver," the director told PTI.
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The debutant, who starred in "Gadar" as a child, in the role of Deol's son, will play IIT topper in "Genius".
Interestingly, Sharma initially wanted him to pursue engineering but his son, who convinced him about his interest in a career in films.
"Utkarsh has all the qualities of a good actor. It was he who told us that how passionately he wants to pursue films," he said.
"When he was in the US and studying film-making I worked on the script. Utkarsh thought it's too early for him but then I said, 'We have to do it right now'."
With each passing year, the number of newcomers in the film industry is increasing and the competition has turned fierce.
Sharma, however, is confident about his son's career as he believes in the 22-year-old actor's hardwork.
"Utkarsh is very confident. He is not nervous. He has never been nervous in his life because he is always focused. I have been in the industry for thirty years now and have seen lots of ups and downs. If you work good, you will definitely survive."
When asked about the rest of the cast, the filmmaker said he is yet to finalise it and the film might feature a new girl opposite Utkarsh.
The director chose to keep mum when asked if there is a small appearance of his frequent collaborator, Deol in the film. "I will not comment on this and will keep things in suspense."
On taking a three year break from direction, Sharma said, "I generally make films in the gap of a year or two but after 'Singh Sahab the Great', I went to US and I was taking experience roaming around the world noticing changes. I myself wanted to a break from work thats why I left."
"Genius" will go on floors this November. It will be shot in Mathura and Delhi.
"I'm excited for the film's shoot as we're going to shoot in Mathura which is my birth place and I'll be shooting in Delhi after quite a long time."
The director has signed a music deal with TIPS for the movie.