In written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha yesterday, Defence Minister A K Antony said, "The commencement of flying of Mirage-2000 fleet is being undertaken in stages post completion of checks."
"Following the accidents of Mirage-2000 aircraft of the IAF on February 24 and March 5, all routine training flying on the Mirage-2000 fleet has been temporarily stopped as a precautionary measure," he said.
No loss of life was reported in these crashes.
During the last two years from 2010 to 2012 and current financial year upto April, two Mirage-2000 aircraft have crashed and technical defect was the cause of both accidents, he told the House.
On upgradation of aircraft fleet, he said, "Upgradation of aircraft fleet, including Mirage-2000 aircraft, is reviewed from time to time keeping in view several factors including the operational requirements of the IAF. This is a continuous process."
On simulator training in the force, he said the IAF has simulators for Kiran Mkl/IA, Hawk Mk-32, An-32 and Dornier aircraft.
"All these simulators are serviceable. Further simulators are being procured along with new induction of aircraft like the Basic Trainer Aircraft and Intermediate Jet Trainer aircraft," he said. (MORE) PTI AD