Private telecom operator Idea Cellular will invest about Rs 380 crore in 2015-16 to spruce up its infrastructure in Kolkata and West Bengal circles, and launch its own 3G network in the city in the third quarter."Total investment in both Kolkata and Bengal circles will be Rs 380 crore during the year and cumulative investment so far is Rs 2,059 crore," Idea Cellular CEO (East) Anish Roy said. The Aditya Birla group company will install additional 1200 2G cell sites across Bengal and about 2,000 3G sites in the city. Currently, it has 6,000 cell sites in the state.
The company claimed its revenue has grown 30 per cent year on year in 2014-15 and was the highest MNP gainer in the industry. Speaking about the 3G services in its own network, Roy said the company was expected to launch it during the third quarter of current fiscal. Currently, it offers 3G in city in a tie up with Vodafone. Kolkata will be the last city of the 13 circles the company has its own spectrum to launch the service. Idea has won 2100 Mhz spectrum recently. With tie up, Idea offers 3G service in 21 circles.