In a scathing attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Finance Minister P Chidambaram today said that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) should quit if they don't know how to govern.
"That (holding two-day long dharna on Delhi streets) is not governance. That is abdicating governance. If you don't know how to govern, quit," he said.
Taking a dig at Kejriwal during a session on 'India Outlook' at a NDTV panel discussion at the World Economic Forum (WEF), Chidambaram said, "Somebody sent me an SMS. It said Vishnu told Arjun go do your dharma, but he told Kejriwal, go do your dharna."
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On why the Congress party was continuing to support the minority AAP government in Delhi, Chidambaram said, "Opinion in the party was divided. Local unit took that decision, right or wrong. The point is whoever is in government, must govern.
"You can't mask your inability to govern by street agitations. The line that divides agitation and anarchy is a very thin line and they may have crossed that line in the last few days," he said.