"Everybody Is Somebody's Baby: Go Leather Free" said an activist of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals who was dressed up in a coat festooned with arms, legs and heads of baby dolls, for the event.
The protest is the latest in PETA India's campaign against leather-industry cruelty and aims to raise awareness about the suffering of animals when their skin is fashioned into coats shoes, bags and other products.
"People who would never think of buying coats made from the skins of human babies shouldn't wear coats made from the skins of cows and other feeling animals who were tormented and slaughtered for their body parts", says PETA India campaign coordinator Chani Singh.
The animal rights body says it encourages everyone to choose only products made from mock leather, fabric or synthetic materials and also make wardrobes leather-free.
Often animals used for leather such as cows and buffaloes are crammed onto vehicles in such large numbers that their bones break and those who survive the ordeal have their throats cut in full view of other animals, and many of them are dismembered and skinned while they are still conscious,says PETA.
Runoff from leather tanneries poisons rivers and streams, harming all life in the water and it has also been linked to cancer, respiratory infections and other illness in humans. MORE