IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company (IL&FS Engineering Services) today said it has won the Rs 532.67-crore contract from Nagpur Rail Corporation.
"IL&FS Engineering Services has received a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) from Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Limited (A Joint Venture of Government of India & Government of Maharashtra) for Rs 532.67 crore Nagpur Metro Rail Project," the company said in a statement.
The Project involves construction of seven elevated metro stations, and three at-grade stations (North South Corridor) viz Congress Nagar to Khapri. The Project is to be completed in 110 weeks from the date of issue of LOA.
IL&FS Engineering Services is currently executing four Metro Rail Projects worth around Rs 1,100 crore in Bangalore for Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited, in Gurgaon for Rapid Metro Rail Project, Phase-II, in Kolkata for Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, and in Ahmedabad for Metro-Link Express for Gandhinagar & Ahmedabad Company Limited.