Following up his eight-under 64 from the first round, Chopra added a bogey-free four-under 68 to get to 12-under 130, two clear of Kapur (66) and Bhullar (67), who are both at 10-under.
Kapur, after a string of five birdies between eighth and 13th, dropped a bogey on the very last hole while Bhullar, who had six birdies and one bogey, had a good par save on the last. Anirban Lahiri (66) was one shot behind at nine-under 135.
The rest of the field was way behind with Mukesh Kumar (71), Shamim Khan (67) and Abhijit Chadha (70) tied at fifth at five-under 139 while tournament host, Jeev (71) shared the eighth place with Arjun Atwal (70) and Anura Rohana (74) at four-under 140.
Chopra had mixed feeling about his 68 that put him two clear, but felt he could have a shot or two better.
"I didn't make the putts that I did yesterday. I played as well as yesterday, but it is just that the putts didn't fall. Still it is great to be in contention once again (after Thailand and Johor) and hopefully after finishes in sixth and fourth I can close the year with something better like a win," said the Swede, who is hoping to celebrate his 39th birthday with his first win in 20 months. MORE