Jaipur Lok Sabha member Ramcharan Bohra, who had taken part in a breakfast hosted by President Ram Nath Kovind in which MP Dushyant Singh also participated, has kept himself under self-isolation and cancelled all his scheduled events.
The initial report of the BJP MP has come out negative in the test which he got done in Jaipur after coming from New Delhi, he said in a statement on Saturday.
Bohra was in New Delhi to take part in a breakfast meeting hosted by the President on March 18.
The panic was triggered after Jhalawar-Baran MP Dushyant Singh who had attended a party in Lucknow where COVID-19 positive singer Kanika Kapoor was also present. Singh had then taken part in the breakfast hosted by the President where other MPs and dignitaries were present.
Singh and his mother Vasundhara Raje, a former chief minister, are both under self-quarantine and taking all necessary precautions.
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