Kaushal Chauhan, who owns a plastic moulding firm in Rithala, was arrested yesterday when he had come to Pitampura Metro station with his new car, which police said, was bought using the looted money.
Chauhan, who is living separately from his wife, was disturbed over his personal life and also the loses which he suffered in his business.
Finding no option, he planned to commit robbery and zeroed-in on the Rohini branch of Muthoot Finance and sought the help of his three friends -- Rahul, Amit and Paramjeet -- for the loot.
After conducting a recce of the Muthoot Finance in Rohini, on June 22 they committed day light robbery at the firm by overpowering its guard at gun point and looted 13 kg gold and Rs 1.3 lakh in cash, Tejinder Luthra, Joint Commissioner of Police, North, said.
Chauhan got 5 kg of gold as his share and disposed some of them to pay his debts, bill of NDPL and purchase of Tata Safari Car. On his instance Rs 8 lakh cash was also recovered by police team.
During sustained interrogation he confessed to his crime and disclosed that after heavy loss at business, he hatched the robbery plan to pay his debts, Luthra said.