Recalling their talks held in New Delhi with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other senior officials between October 10-13 in New Delhi, TNA said they thanked "India for the substantial multi faceted assistance being provided by the government of India to enable the Tamil people to recommence life and rebuild their future".
The TNA said it expressed grave concern over the lack of progress by Sri Lanka in the effective implementation of the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).
India assured TNA that it would contribute its best efforts to ensure that Tamils in Sri Lanka secured a future marked by equality, dignity, justice and self-respect, TNA added.
The TNA's New Delhi visit followed a meeting between Prime Minister Singh and his Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
However, the TNA expressed no views as to whether they would join Rajapaksa's parliamentary select committee aimed at achieving a political solution.