India's gold production dropped 8 per cent to 1.43 tonne in 2014-15 compared to 1.56 tonne in 2013-14 financial year.
Minister of State for Steel and Mines Vishnu Deo Sai in a written reply to the Lok Sabha said, "India's gold production from Hutti Gold Mines Co in Karnataka and Manmohan Industries in Jharkhand was 1.43 tonne in 2014-15 as against 1.56 tonne in 2013-14."
During the April-February period of last fiscal, gold import stood at 782 tonnes, while for the entire 2013-14 fiscal the same was 661.71 tonnes, the Minister said.
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Sai said steps such as second-phase mine construction at Hutti gold mines have been taken for increasing the production of metal.
At the Hira-Buddini and Uti gold mine, the second phase of mining by shaft sinking and mine development is in process, he said.