Indian 3on3 team, comprising of Ajay Pratap Singh, Lovneet Atwal, P Vijay and Amit Kanarjee, brought home the bronze medal at KFC under-21 3ON3 International Challenge in Beijing.
Lovneet also secured a gold medal for India in KFC 3ON3 International Challenge 3-Pointer shooting competition.
The KFC 3ON3 International Challenge was jointly organised by KFC China and Chinese Basketball Association from September 28 to 30.
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In total 12 teams comprising of India, Lithuania, USA, Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Chinese Taipei and four Chinese teams were divided into three pools - Pool A, Pool B and Pool C for the tournament.
In the league matches, India went down 1-2 to Chinese Taipei by two points in the opener before defeating Indonesia and USA to qualify for the quarterfinals.
In the quarters, India went head to head against China beating them 21-17. In a closely fought semifinal, India lost to Australia 13-16.
India won the bronze on account of having better scoring rate than other semi-finalist Chinese Taipei.
Roopam Harish Sharma, CEO, Basketball Federation of India said, "I would like to congratulate the coach and the players on their excellent performance. Basketball as a competitive sport continues to grow in India and the improving results of team India at international competitions is a testimony to that growth.