An animated film made by an Indian student as a tribute to his movie idol Steven Spielberg has earned him a personal note from the legendary director.
A 19-year old student from Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology (Bangalore), created an animated tribute using Speilberg's most iconic films, including "Jaws", "Jurassic Park," "ET", "Schindler's List" and his most recent movie, "Lincoln" and uploaded it on Youtube a week ago.
Spielberg saw a blog by Krishna about himself on Chicago Sun Times and then watched the short clip before reverting with a extremely touching and personally hand-written note.
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The director promised Krishna that he will closely follow his career.
"I will be looking at the horizon to see where next you will emerge.....And impress," Spielberg wrote.
Shenoi, a second-year college student was thrilled to received the note from his movie idol.
"Wow. Steven Spielberg, my favorite filmmaker of all time, wrote, handwrote, a note to me after seeing my animated tribute to him. I'm shaking in knees right now. Wow.