Struggling under icy and windy conditions, Trishul Chinappa emerged the best among six Indians after the first round with a round of six-over 77 at the Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship (AAC) here today.
Chinappa was placed tied 37th and nine shots behind Dou Zecheng of China, who grabbed a two-shot lead with a card of three-under 68.
Among other Indians Karan Taunk, Udayan Mane, Viraj Madappa and Syed Saqib Ahmed shot 80 each, and Manu Gandas was even further behind with 83.
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Sixteen-year-old Dou Zecheng's hopes of following in the footsteps of compatriot Guan Tianlang were given a boost after the Chinese teenager played his way to the top of the leader board after day one of the Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship.
An invitation to the Masters Tournament and International Final Qualifying for the Open Championship awaits the winner.
Dou, who rose to prominence earlier this year when he made the cut at the China Open, fired a superb, blemish-free 68 in cold, windy conditions at Nanshan International Golf Club to establish a two-shot lead over Korea's Lee Chang-woo (70) in second place.
Brady Watt (71), the Australian who reached the semi-finals at this year's U S Amateur Championship, is a shot further back in third place.