The sailors of Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre (INWTC), Army Yachting Node (AYC) have excelled in the 28th laser National Sailing Championship that began here today.
The following are the results in the three categories: Laser Radial, Laser Standard and Laser 4.7 today:
Laser radial:
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Race -1: 1. Gaurav Randhava - INWTC (Indian Naval Watermanship Trg Centre), 2. B Mahapatra - AYN (Army Yachting Node), 3. Dharmendra Singh - AYN
Race -2: 1. Sharif Khan - AYN, 2. Harpreet Singh - AYN, 3. Ramesh Kumar - AYN
Race-3: 1. Ramesh Kumar - AYN, 2. Sharif Khan - AYN, 3. Aman deep Singh -AYN
Laser Std:
Race-1: 1. Gajendra Singh -AYN, 2 Jasveer Singh -AYN, 3.Dhermendra Singh - AYN
Race-2: 1. Jasveer Singh -AYN, 2. KK Pandey - AYN, 3. Naveen Kumar -AYN
Race -3: 1. Jasveer Singh -AYN, 2. BK Rout- EME SA, 3. Gitesh - AYN.
Laser 4.7
Race -1: (I) Vir Menon -RMYC, (II) Dheer Singh -RMYC, (III) Tarun Bhatia- SSC.
Race-2: (I) Tarun Bhatia-SSC, (II) AHAD Rahim-INSA, (III) Dheer Singh-RMYC.
Race -3: (I) Vir Menon- RMYC, (II) Tarun Bhatia-SSC, (III) Ravindhar M-TNSA.