The Tamil Nadu chapter of IPS Officers' Association on Tuesday slammed the assault on Delhi police personnel in the Tis Hazari court in the national capital and said such incidents "show lack of respect for the rule of law."
The association demanded "strong action against the law breakers without fear or favour" and said it stood shoulder to shoulder with the men in Khaki in Delhi.
"TN Chapter of IPS Association condemns the recent incident of violence against the policemen on duty in Tis Hazari court in Delhi," it said in a statement.
"Such incidents show lack of respect for the rule of law," it said, adding TNIPSA "stands shoulder to shoulder" with the personnel of Delhi police.
"In these testing times we firmly remain on the path of law and urge the concerned to take action against the law breakers without fear or favour," it said.
The law of land shall prevail always and everytime, it added.
The Tamil Nadu IPS officers' support to the Delhi police came on a day when a large large number of them held an unprecedented protest outside the Delhi Police headquarters.
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The protest was triggered by the assault on policemen on Monday following clashes with lawyers at Tis Hazari court on Saturday.
A parking dispute between an on-duty policeman and a lawyer at the court premises had led to at least 20 security personnel and several advocates being injured in the clashes that followed.
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