Title favourite Ishpreet Chadha of Bombay Gymkhana had to put his best foot forward to quell a spirited challenge from Pune's Sumit Kataria on his way to the quarter finals of the Malabar Hill Club-BSAM All India under 25 Snooker Challenge 3 here today.
Chada trailed his rival 1-2 before clinching the final two frames for a 3-2 victory.
In another interesting contest, Nikhil Ghadge fought back after dropping the first two frames to prevail over Vishal Vaya 3-2.
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Laxman Rawat beat Nikhil Saigal (3-0) (65-30, 70-36, 74(65)-18); Aashit Pandya beat Rohan Sakalkar (Pune) (3-1) (54-17, 23-54, 63-17, 68-28); Zubin Lelinwala beat Rovin D'souza (3-2) (23-70, 59-48, 64-40, 38-77, 57-49), Ishpreet Chadha beat Sumit kataria (Pune) (3-2) (65-45, 35-69, 29-55, 60-42, 55-48); Anurag Giri (MP) Beat Prateek Jain (MP) (3-0) (88-28, 75-17, 67-32); Aditya Agrawal Beat Priyank Jaiswal (MP) :: (3-0) (87(50)-02, 68-33, 78(31*)-19); Pranit Ramchandani (TN) Beat Shabaz Khan (3-1) (38-49, 58-34, 59-17, 73-22); Nikhil Ghadge Beat Vishal Vaya (3-2) (29-57, 46-47, 58-22, 53-41, 78-49).