Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan Sharma today said it is a big day for the family as the Rajasthan High Court has acquitted him in two cases related to poaching of Chinkaras in Jodhpur in 1998.
The 50-year-old actor's appeal against the sentence in the two cases related to poaching of Chinkaras was allowed by the High Court, which acquitted him in both the cases.
Arpita took to Instagram to thank all the well wishers for their support.
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"Thank you God for always showering us with your grace & blessings. Today is a big day for us. Also thank you to all Bhai's and the families' well wishers for your prayers, support, love and best wishes. This wouldn't have been possible without you (sic)," she wrote.
Two separate cases were registered against Khan under section 51 of Wildlife Protection Act, for poaching of two chinkaras in village Bhawad on 26-27 September, 1998 and one chinkara in Mathania (Ghoda Farm) on 28-29 September, 1998.
The actor was shooting for his film "Hum Saath Saath Hai" at that time.