Shares of ITC today rose by 4 per cent, adding Rs 9,600 crore to the company's market valuation, after the firm posted 3.61 per cent rise in net profit for the first quarter ended June, 2015.
The stock ended the day at Rs 315.80, up 3.90 per cent from its previous close on the BSE. During the day, it gained 4.62 per cent to Rs 318.
At the NSE, shares of the company settled 3.93 per cent higher at Rs 315.95.
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The company's market valuation surged by Rs 9,600 crore to Rs 2,53,231 crore.
On the volume front, 8 lakh shares of the company changed hands at the BSE and over one crore shares were traded at the NSE during the day.
ITC Ltd today posted a subdued 3.61 per cent rise in net profit at Rs 2,265.44 crore for the first quarter ended June 30, due to pressure on cigarette sales and sluggish demand for other FMCG products.
The Kolkata-based company had posted a net profit of Rs 2,186.39 crore during the same period of 2014-15 fiscal.
Net sales of the company, however, declined 7.18 per cent to Rs 8,505.53 crore for the quarter under review as against Rs 9,164.42 crore during June quarter of the previous fiscal, ITC Ltd said in a statement.
Meanwhile, in the broader market, the BSE Sensex ended the day at 27,705.35, up 141.92 points.