As Facebook and Twitter continue to attract net savvy generation, people who really have a passion for writing and expressing their ideas are shifting back to blogging and its spring time again in "Blogosphere", according to those who blog for a living.
"The horizon of blogging world has widened. These days bloggers are writing books, research papers, tutorials and much more. Its worth acknowledging that the shift back to blogging from Facebook and Twitter has resulted into filtered generation of people who really have a passion for it," says Gaurav Mishra, who commands a sizable following for his blog that is related to economics.
Its interesting to notice how bloggers connect with those with similar interests.
"Every blogger has one strong thread that bonds them together, a thread and bond of passion and therefore they all belong to the same community, 'The Blogosphere'", says Karan Bhujbal, an avid tech blogger who along with blogging enthusiasts Akshita Jain and Ankur Baraj started Blogathon India an endeavour to connect bloggers from different spheres together. (MORE)