Jammu and Kashmir BJP today welcomed the Rs 8000-crore package announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for development of four highways in the state.
"We welcome and appreciate the Rs 8000-crore package announced by Narendra Modi for the development of four highways in Jammu and Kashmir during his recent Leh visit," BJP state spokesperson Balbir Ram Rattan said.
"It is for the first time in the history of Jammu and Kashmir that a Prime Minister has focused on providing quality road connectivity to this border state," he said.
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"Jammu and Kashmir is gifted with natural beauty and has great tourism potential, but due to poor road connectivity, many areas have remained untouched by the outside world," he said and added that the highway project will surely boost the tourism sector.
"Quality road connectivity will invite private sector to invest and set up industrial units," he said, adding that this will boost up the economy of the state and will also provide adequate employment opportunities to the youth.