Jammu and Kashmir's Crime Branch today submitted in court the final chargesheet against six persons for allegedly preparing fake documents to secure a loan in 1991.
Rajinder Kumar, Tarseem Lal, former Chief Manager State Financial Corporation (SFC) Subash Chander Chopra, ex-Manager Transport Section SFC Rajinder Prasad, former Assistant Manager Transport Section SFC Sudershan Kumar Bali and former Senior Assistant SFC Mool Raj Sharma were chargesheeted in the matter, the Crime Branch spokesman said.
The SFC officials named in the case have retired, he said.
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The accused allegedly prepared fake documents in order to facilitate sanctioning of loan on somebody's else's name, the spokesman said.
In 1991, the accused had faked documents and taken a loan in the name of one Mangat Ram, he said.
On the complaint made by Ram, the matter was probed, the spokesman said.
The court has fixed May 21 as the next date of hearing.