Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das today stressed at the beginning of the Fire Service Week for safety awareness among the people to prevent fire accidents.
Das said people should be made aware of safety to prevent fire accidents as Director General of Police (Fire Services) Rajiv Kumar called on him on the occasion.
Kumar said the department was ready in the service of the people, an official release said here.
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Chief Minister Raghubar Das said that his pledge was not only to focus on mineral based industries but also other forest produce like Lac and silk.
Agriculture would also be another area which would get more focus.
Jharkhand is number one in Tasar silk and Lac, besides national coal reserves, labour reforms and inspection compliances and elimination of Kala-azar, according to a book-let.
The state is fifth FDI destination in the country and is in seventh place in ease of doing business and produces 25 per cent of the country's steel.
Stating that health and education would also be another focus areas, Das said skill training would be imparted to the poor in order to connect them with employment.
Saying that investors were coming in agriculture, textiles, education, health, infrastructure and tourism, he said the state government in the last two years had signed MoUs worth Rs 26,000 crore that included food processing and dairy.