The 46-year-old singer-actress will champion the cause in a new film called "Truth". She has signed on as executive producer and will even conduct on-camera interviews with participants, reported MTV online.
"All people are very important to me. I've been fortunate to make friends and learn about very different lives. 'Truth' is our small chance to ask that you try and understand someone who lives their life in a way that is a little bit different from yours, even though all of our hearts are the same. We want to stop the hate and find understanding," said Jackson.
"Janet Jackson will take us on a visually innovative, cerebral journey through the turbulent lives of transgendered people of all ages around the world and their epic struggle for equality. This film will highlight landmark mainstream stories and provide a glimpse at others that will change the gender landscape of the world forever," director Robert Jason said in a statement.
The documentary will begin production this summer.