Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today announced a memorial for iconic farmer leader Narayanasamy Naidu and a total financial assistance of Rs two crore to the kin of 40 farmers who were killed during 1970-80 in police firing during protests.
In a suo moto statement in Assembly, she recalled her electoral promise of 2011 that a memorial would be built for farmer leader Narayanasamy Naidu and financial assistance to the families of farmers killed in police firing during protests.
"To honour the memory of Narayanasamy Naidu, a Manimandapam (memorial) will be built at Vaiyampalayam in Coimbatore District," she said.
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Out of the 47 victims, seven have no heirs and the rest have successors. A total of Rupees five lakh will be given to each of the 40 families of the victims, she said.