Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today greeted Governor Rosaiah on his 83rd birthday and wished him good health and peace to serve the country for many more years.
She called Rosaiah over phone and conveyed her greetings. Also, she sent a bouquet of flowers to him and a letter conveying her best wishes, a government release said.
"On the joyous occasion of your 83rd birthday, I have great pleasure in conveying my warm felicitations and best wishes to you," she said in her letter to him.
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"I pray that the Almighty may grant you many more years of good health and peace to serve the nation and the people as you have always been doing."
Meanwhile, son of Rosaiah, Sriman Narayanamurthy today called on Jayalalithaa at the Secretariat alongwith his wife and invited her for the wedding of his son Anirudh in Hyderabad on August 14.