In a push to the State's sports infrastructure, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has inaugurated a host of new amenities like synthetic athletic track in several locations across Tamil Nadu, worth about Rs. 27.27 crore.
In the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium here, she inaugurated hostel for sports persons, a kitchen and dining hall built at a cost of Rs.4.50 crore on Monday, an official release here said today.
Similarly, a short distance swimming pool at Shenoy Nagar here at a cost of Rs. 50 lakh, amenities including high mast lamps and a synthetic basket ball stadium at Madurai Dr MGR Stadium at a cost of Rs. 6 crore were also inaugurated.
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Also, at the Anna Stadium in Tiruchirappalli, an eight-lane synthetic athletic track with flood lights, hostel for sportspersons were also inaugurated by her.
Similar facitilies were opened in Srirangam (Tiruchirappali District) and at the Anna Stadium in Tirunelveli, Tiruchengode and Perambalur, the release added.
Totally, the new amenities are worth about Rs.27.27 crore.