On the eve of Tamil Nadu assembly polls, Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa and DMK President M Karunanidhi appealed to the voters to exercise their franchise as it was both their "right" and "pious duty."
Jayalalithaa, seeking a successive term for her party, described voting as an "excellent opportunity" for every citizen to uphold their right even as "it is a pious duty" to exercise one's franchise.
"Safeguarding democracy is a pious activity we do for ourselves and our generations," she said in a statement.
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The efforts of such evil force should be crushed by the people, she said.
Karunanidhi said that it was the time to "act carefully" where the future of Tamil Nadu had to be decided.
"We have the duty of safeguarding democracy and people. Voting is the duty and right of every citizen," he said.
In a statement, he sought the cooperation of all to ensure peaceful polling and that "duty, discipline and dignity," should be maintained.
Polling for 233 Assembly constituencies will be held tomorrow in Tamil Nadu.
Though the state has 234 seats, election to Aravakurichi has been deferred by the EC for May 23 following money flow in the constituency.