Janata Dal(U) President Sharad Yadav and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar met here tonight, after which a meeting of party MPs, legislators and other office-bearers has been called for noon tomorrow and the party's decision on fate of NDA would be announced at 3 pm.
Emerging from the meeting with Kumar held the latter's official residence, Yadav told reporters that the meeting has been called at the CM's residence tomorrow at 12:30 pm to discuss the political decision.
"The decision of the party would be made public at press conference at 3 pm," he said.
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Yadav met Kumar immediately on his arrival here from New Delhi this evening.
In tomorrow's meeting, leader of the party in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, state ministers, state party president and senior office bearers and legislators have been called to discuss the future political step, JD(U) President, who landed here tonight from New Delhi, said.
After the one-on-one meeting with Kumar, senior ministers like Bijendra Yadav, Vijay Kumar Chaudhary, P K Shahi, Shyam Rajak, Bihar JD(U) President Bashist Narayan Singh, party chief whip in Assembly Shrawan Kumar and Rajya Sabha member and a confidante of Kumar R C P Singh were called at the CM's residence to plan out things tomorrow, party sources said.