Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan today announced a reward of Rs one lakh on the head of Rajendra Kasawa, the absconding accused, who stored a huge pile of explosives for mining work in a building which triggered off a series of explosions killing 89 people and injuring over 100 at Petlawad town here.
"Anybody who passes information to law-enforcers to facilitate the arrest of Kasawa, will be rewarded with Rs 1 lakh, Chouhan said.
Kasawa was yesterday booked under relevant sections of IPC and Explosive Substances Act. Police have carried out searches at some places to arrest Kasawa.
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Meanwhile, Chouhan said family members of the deceased will get aide of Rs 5 lakh instead of Rs 2 lakh as promised earlier.
He also said employment will be given to the kin of the deceased.
"I will return tomorrow to Petlawad and meet the family members of the deceased at 17 remaining places," he added.
According to sources, Chouhan, who faced angry protest near the blast site today, was advised against the night stay in Petlawad due to public anger over the incident.
Yesterday, 89 people were killed and nearly 100 injured after a massive blast caused by mining explosives stored in a building ripped through a crowded area in Petlawad town in Jhabua district.