The cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister Arjun Munda, approved the R&R policy for Swarnarekha Project (Rs 775 crore), Batani Reservoir Project (Rs 41.49 crore), Punasi Reservoir Project (Rs 25.44 crore) and a total of Rs 860 crore for Kansjore, Surangi, Suru, Bhairavi and other irrigation projects, Principal Cabinet Secretary N N Pandey said here.
More than 19,000 families would benefit from the policy, he added.
Provision for skilled-training for the youth would be made, Pandey said, adding class III and IV jobs would be given based on qualification in the water resources department.
Houses would be constructed for the displaced people along with basic amenities in the villages where they would settle.
The announcement comes five days after Munda had promised to bring the policy before the cabinet for approval.
Many of the projects were taken up during the erstwhile Bihar regime and had been pending completion.