Chief Minister Raghubar Das today said that people of Jharkhand want a Congress-free state to get all-round development and will vote in that direction in the by-election for the Lohardaga Assembly constituency.
"People of Lohardaga will reply in the December 14 by-poll as they want a Congress-free Jharkhand ," Das said.
Congress is a sinking ship, he said, referring to the drubbing the party received in the Lok Sabha election last year.
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He said Congress has its MLA or MP in Lohardaga for the last four decades but there was no development there.
Lohardaga remained a backward district, where rampant migration of poor people continued in search of livelihood, the Chief Minister said and blamed Congress for it.
Lohardaga Assembly seat fell vacant after its MLA -- AJSU's Kamal Kishore Bhagat was sentenced to seven years in jail by a local court in connection with a criminal case.