A day after Mumbai police sought court's permission to conduct narco-analysis test on Suraj Pancholi, son of actor couple arrested on charge of abetting his actor-girlfriend Jiah Khan's suicide, his lawyers said that they would not give consent to it.
"We are not going to give our consent to it as Suraj is of tender age," his advocate Zamir Khan said today.
As per the law, no chemical tests can be conducted on an accused without his or her consent.
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"Police moved this application after his judicial custody was extended and they tried to get an order on our back," Khan added.
Juhu police had filed an application in court yesterday in which they sought narco analysis test to be conducted on Suraj. The court is likely to hear the application on Monday.
Jiah Khan had committed suicide on June 3, while Suraj, son Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, was arrested after Khan's family found her letter four days later. Suraj was arrested on the basis of the letter.
The sessions court on June 21 had rejected his bail application after the police told the court that they intent to add some more sections in the case.
Police also told the court that there are many judgements by the apex court to show that in such cases the suicide note should be taken as dying declaration.
Suraj has already filed an appeal in the Bombay High Court against the order of his bail rejection by the sessions court.