Job creation in labour-intensive and export-oriented sectors, including textiles, automobiles, IT/BPO, declined 67.93 per cent in 2015, with net addition of employment coming down to 1.35 lakh during the year, Parliament was informed today.
"According to Labour Bureau's Quarterly Quick Employment Survey (QES), estimated employment experienced a net addition of 4.21 lakh (persons) and 1.35 lakh (persons)... In January 2014 to December 2014, and January 2015 to December 2015, respectively," Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.
The estimated employment for export-oriented sector saw a net addition of 1.22 lakh persons in January-December 2015, she added.
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The Labour Bureau conducts quarterly QES in select labour-intensive and export-oriented sectors such as textiles, including apparel, metals, gems and jewellery; automobiles; transport; IT/BPO; leather and handloom/powerloom to assess the effect of economic slowdown on employment in India.
She said data pertaining to the whole of manufacturing sector is not collected under the QES of the Labour Bureau.
"However, out of the eight selected sectors, textiles, including apparels, metals, gems and jewellery; automobiles; leather and handloom/powerloom are part of the manufacturing sector," she added.