The Congress on Wednesday took a quirky dig at the BJP, giving a spin on the Christmas song "jingle bells, jingle bells" with its own version -- "Jumla bells, jumla bells".
The party also tweeted caricatures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharamanand Textiles Minister Smriti Irani making their wishes on the festival.
"Jumla bells, jumla bells, jumlas all the way. Oh what fun it is to see what an honest government might say," the Congress tweeted from its official Twitter handle with hashtag 'Happy Christmas'
The caricature of Shah was accompanied by the text, "All I want for Christmas is for Modi to do what I say" -- an apparent reference to the Prime Minister's recent remarks on the proposed nationwide National Register of Citizens.
Jumla bells, jumla bells, jumlas all the way
Oh what fun it is to see what an honest govt might say