Delhi Water Minister Kapil Mishra today accused Lt Governor Najeeb Jung and ACB chief M K Meena of showing "fear and nervousness" in probing Congress leader Sheila Dikshit in connection with the alleged Rs 400-crore water tanker scam and said he will "expose" the same with documents.
His remarks came in the backdrop of ACB issuing notice to Dikshit, asking her to join the probe on August 26.
"She has to go to the jail. There are five FIRs... But this fear and nervousness which Meena and the L-G are showing... I am going to expose this with documents," Mishra said.
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Mishra alleged ACB was going slow in inquiring the former Delhi Chief Minister by asking her to join the probe as per "venue and time of her preference".
He said that on the other hand, the inquiry of members of the Delhi government-appointed fact-finding committee, which is probing the alleged scam, began "within a day" after Dikshit made a demand in that regard in a letter to Jung.
"Everyday, members of the fact-finding committee are being summoned (for inquiry)... These are those members who went through the documents and pointed towards the irregularities during Dikshit's tenure.
"(But) they (Jung and Meena) are asking Dikshit to join the probe in August at a place and time of her preference. So, what kind of fear is this in acting against Dikshit?" he asked.