In majority of the events being held under lights, Karnataka Girl V Malavika set the trend by creating the championship's first record in the 200m free style category erasing the existing record of Kanchi Desai of Maharashtra (set in 2010).
Malavika timed 02:12.41 seconds as against Kanchi Desai's 02:12.92 secs.
In the boys 200m back stroke event, SP Likith (Karnataka) erased the old record of his statemate Akash Rohith (1:10.49 secs) set in 2008 by clocking the distance in 1:08.66 seconds.
Delhi's Priyanka Pridarshini (Group-1-girls-100 breast stroke) and Tamil Nadu A V Jayaveena (Group-11-100 m breast stroke) and B Pranam (Karna