Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today laid the foundation stone of Hyderabad Police Commissionerate Headquarters-cum-Integrated Command and Control Centre, which will be built at an estimated cost of Rs 302 crore.
The state-of-the-art complex proposed to be built on 7 acres land at plush Banjara Hills here will comprise four blocks and will have twin glass towers (18 and 24 stories building) and will facilitate functional integration of all wings of Hyderabad City Police under one roof and fusion of technologies relating to all functional wings.
The building is designed as an environment-friendly project with solar photovoltaic roof and building integrated photovoltaic in facade to produce clean and green electricity. It will also have a helipad at the top of the structure.
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"An amount of Rs 302 crore was sanctioned yesterday towards the cost of this modern building. An additional sum of Rs 700 crore will be made available in the next budget," he said.
Neighbourhood policing concept which prevails in countries Singapore and China, will also be replicated in the state, the Chief Minister said.
About 10,000 closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras would be installed across the city towards enhanced surveillance, he said.
"Elected representatives should also contribute funds for installing CCTV system that will enhance public safety and CSR funds will also be utilised for the purpose," Rao added.
Hyderabad Police M Mahender Reddy said the proposed building will be the technology driven operational hub for all wings of Hyderabad City Police and will make the government interaction smooth.
The surveillance cameras to be installed in the city and police headquarters of all the districts would be synchronised with the Command Control Centre and it will also have a mega video wall.
"It will be an unique tower with technology fusions in the country-a Hawk Eye protecting people of the city and enhancing safety and security standards," he said.