Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today announced annual revision of auto fares based on inflation, provision for training of drivers by transport department and relaxation in some of the rules for them.
Delhi Government will revise auto fares based on inflation every year, Kejriwal said while addressing an auto drivers' meeting in Burari of outer Delhi.
"If inflation increases, auto fares would then be hiked. If inflation declines, auto fares would be reduced by the Delhi Government," Kejriwal said.
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"We have got to know that under the rule of 66/192 A, traffic police presently seize autos if thes driver is not in dress and for other minor violations. But traffic police personnel would now only seize those autos which don't have license, fitness certificate and permit," Kejriwal also added.
Delhi Government, this evening, said in its press release that there were complaints about the Delhi Traffic Police misusing the power under Section 86 (4) for suspending the permits of various vehicles.
"Delhi Government has now decided to limit this power to suspend permits only on three conditions for Light Motor Vehicles - driving without valid permit, driving without license, and driving without registration certificate," it said.
The Chief Minister also raised the issue of autodrivers turning away passengers and misbehaving, two of the most frequent complaints.
"I request auto drivers not to refuse taking passengers. With passengers' travelling, you (auto drivers) earn money and your families survive. If an auto driver is going to his house after work at night, then I request him to place a plate of "No Service" in front of their vehicle. Such autos, then, won't deserve fine for refusal," Kejriwal also said.
"We have got to know that some auto drivers misbehave with passengers and tourists. Our government has now decided to train auto drivers in which they would be taught how to behave with passengers and foreign passengers. Transport department will soon begin giving such training to auto drivers," said.