In an unprecedented action, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his ministers today began a dharna outside Rail Bhavan demanding action against police officials who refused to carry out a raid on an alleged drug and prostitution racket in South Delhi last week.
Defying prohibitory orders in force in the high-security area near the seat of power, Kejriwal accompanied by six of his ministers attempted to go to North Block housing the Home Ministry to lodge their protest.
However, they were stopped near the Rail Bhavan as the nearby Vijay Chowk and the entire Rajpath were sealed for the Republic Day rehearsal that was going on.
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He said any crisis arising out of the situation including disturbance in holding Republic Day celebrations will be the responsibility of the Centre.
Rejecting Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde's statement that action can be taken only after an inquiry, the Chief Minister demanded immediate suspension of the "corrupt" officials who refused to act in the interest of the public whose cause Law Minister Somnath Bharti had taken up.
The Minister had created a controversy last week when he went to a locality in his constituency of Malviya Nagar, claiming a drug and prostitution ring was being run from a residence and demanded police raid the place.
However, the police refused saying they have no warrant to do so. The AAP workers allegedly forced a couple of women from Uganda to give urine samples. Their action came under alround attack but the AAP government insists that action should be taken against the police officials.