The 14-day-long session of the Kerala Assembly ended today amidst protest and ruckus by CPI(M)-led LDF opposition, demanding resignation of Finance Minister K M Mani against whom Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau has registered a graft case in the bar bribe scam.
The LDF, which has been raising the issue right from the beginning of the session, disrupted proceedings today during the final discussion of the Finance Bill moved by Mani.
The Minister could not complete his reply as LDF members moved to the well of the House and continued raising slogans against the government.
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Intervening during the LDF protest, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said the Opposition was afraid of hearing Mani's reply.
CPI(M) Deputy leader Kodiyeri Balakrishnan alleged that the government was trying to scuttle the investigation.
Later, opposition members stormed out of the Assembly.
Speaking to reporters, LDF leaders said they would continue their agitation outside the House, demanding Mani's resignation.