Kerala Chief Minister, Oommen Chandy, will disburse the scholarships introduced by the Vijnan Institute of Science and Technology for plus two and polytechnic students at a function here on May 10.
The chief minister has expressed his willingness to disburse V-SET scholarship for the students at the college premises at Mutholapuram near Elanji in Ernakulam district, Principal Dr Eby Thomas Thachil and Raju Kurian, Acting Chairman of the Institute told reporters here.
Chandy will also inaugurate Post Graduate Block of the college.
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Five students will be getting the scholarships.
State Civil Supplies Minister, Anoop Jacob, will inaugurate the VISAT Placement cell for students of the college.
The V-let scholarships will be disbursed by V D Sateeshan, MlA to five lateral entry students.
The scholarships are being given by the college management since 2011, when the engineering college was started.
The Vijnan foundation is a charitable institution formed by a group of committed academicians, professionals and philanthropists offering high quality technical education through its technical education.
The institute has been providing scholarships to meritorius students on the basis of their performance in V-SET and V-LET exams conducted by the college as a part of its social commitment.
The VISAT management is also offering scholarships for meritorius students who have scored ranks below 4000 and those who have secured marks above 95 per cent in HSE/CBSE/ICSE examinations.