Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar today unfurled the tricolour to mark 66th R-Day in Kaithal and announced to increase water connections in rural households of the state by 2017.
"Haryana has set for itself a target to increase water connections in rural households from 30 per cent to 50 per cent by the end of 2017, and ensure increased water supply of 135 LPCD every day in all the 77 towns of the state in the next five years," Khattar said.
Presently, 41 towns are getting 135 LPCD water supply.
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Khattar said the state government has planned to widen and strengthen the roads connecting villages and districts.
"All main roads connecting district headquarters will be four-laned or made 10-metre wide," he said.
A survey of the proposed 200-km Bawana-Sonipat-Panipat- Uchana-Indri-Yamunanagar Expressway along the Western Yamuna canal will soon be carried out, the CM said.
Besides, work on four-laning of the National Highway 73 between Yamunagar and Panchkula would start soon as tenders have been invited, he said, adding that six toll barriers have been discontinued in deference to the wishes of the people.
The government also plans to extend Metro link from Faridabad to Ballabhgarh and from Faridabad to Gurgaon, he said.
Reiterating his commitment to bring about qualitative changes in education from primary to higher level, the Chief Minister said quality, research and innovations will be promoted in the educational institutions where e-libraries will be set up.
Besides, universities would be developed as international level centres of learning. Desks would be provided in all schools by 2016 and toilets would be constructed under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, he said.
Directions have been issued to ensure transparency in the recruitment process. Interview marks would not be more than 10 per cent and recruitment would be done on the basis of written examination and merit, Khattar said.
The government has also adopted a new model for police recruitment and selection would be on the basis of physical test and written examination, he said.
Favourable atmosphere is being created for growth of business in the state and the 'inspector raj' would be done away with, Khattar said.