Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has released the Estate Management Procedures-2015 of Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC), which is nodal agency for providing industrial infrastructure in the State.
The Estate Management Procedures-2015 (EMP-2015) have been prepared after detailed discussions with the industrial associations, chambers of commerce and other various stakeholders, and are in line with the liberal approach of 'Enterprises Promotion Policy-2015' of the State Government, an official release said here today.
The main features of the Estate Management Procedures include transparent procedure for allotment of industrial plots; no enhancement to be recovered from the allottees for future allotment; increase in period of implementation of project; relaxation in minimum construction norms; introduction of provision of part project completion; relaxation in provision for exit route for prestigious project and simplification of change in shareholding provision and liberal provisions related to transfer of plots.
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The release said that to propel the State to the next level of growth trajectory, Haryana Government has recently come out with "Enterprises Promotion Policy-2015".
This Policy envisions GDP growing at a rate higher than eight per cent, an investment of Rs one lakh crore, employment generation for more than four lakh persons and also to position Haryana as a pre-eminent investment destination.
"These new Estate Management Procedures -2015 are one step further towards ease of doing business and Digital India," it said.
The HSIIDC has also fixed the allotment rates of industrial plots under no enhancement policy and will be shortly offering industrial plots for allotment across various industrial estates.
With the implantation of e-governance module of the Corporation the applicant shall be able to submit application online for allotment of plot and can also remit payment through payment gateway implemented by HSIIDC, it said.