BJP today won the Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat after a gap of 16 years as the saffron party's candidate Kirron Kher defeated Congress's four-time MP and former Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal by a strong margin of 69,642 votes.
61-year-old Kher, who made her maiden electoral fray from Chandigarh seat, polled 1,91,362 votes while Congress's Pawan Kumar Bansal got 1,21,720 votes, election office said.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate and Bollywood actress Gul Panag secured third position with 1,08,679 votes while BSP's Jahan-ul-Haq was at fourth position with 15,934 votes.
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Percentage-wise, BJP got 42.20 per cent votes, Congress secured 26.84 per cent while Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP got 23.97 per cent votes out of 4,53,455 votes which were counted.
As many as 3,106 voters (0.68 per cent of the total votes) in Chandigarh opted for None of The Above (NOTA) option, as per election office.
Panag, testing electoral waters for the first time, managed to get considerable chunk of votes which appeared to cast a shadow on the prospects of Bansal.
A total of 17 candidates were in fray from Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat which witnessed 73.84 per cent or 4.53 lakh voters of the 6.13 lakh eligible exercising their franchise on April 10.