Former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda, who got a three-week provisional bail from Jharkhand High Court, could not go home today following his failure to produce bail documents to the jail authorities.
"We don't have any document of his bail in any of the cases against him (Koda). He can only walk out after producing all bail-related documents," Jail Superintendent Dilip Pradhan told PTI here.
Koda was granted three-week's provisional bail yesterday by the high court on the ground of treatment of his ailing mother.
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His lawyer said documents would be made available to the jail authorities tomorrow.
As an independent MLA, Koda had headed UPA government in Jharkhand supported by Congress, RJD and JMM, between 2006 and 2008.
About a year after relinquishing the chair, he was arrested on November 30, 2009 and sent to judicial custody after Enforcement Directorate and Income Tax department charged him and his alleged aides with involvement in money laundering, illegal investments and other multi-crore scams.